Thursday, June 19, 2014

Want to be an activist for something that really matters? Let's work together!

Nurses and aides have to injure themselves every day that they work.  This has to change.  It ISN’T RIGHT that caring, smart, hardworking people have to be hurt in order to do their job.

Every nurse and nurses’s aide has to bend and lift to properly care for their patients. Over and over again.  They have to lift far more than anyone should ever have to lift. (1.8 TONS per shift!!) Dockworkers get cranes and forklifts, why do nurses have to use their backs????

WRITE YOUR REPRESENTATIVES!!!  There has been a national Safe Patient Handling law introduced in Congress each year for the last several years.  It gets tabled in committee because those who support it don't much money, and those who oppose have large budgets. It's H.R. 2480.  I’m going to continue trying to generate support on Facebook and other social media.  This is something beyond political parties.  10 states have enacted Safe Patient Handling laws, and their injury rates are down.  Let’s get laws passed in all the other states, or even a national law. This is activism we can all agree on!

Even though there is a law (passed in 1974) that employers cannot knowingly expose their workers to harmful work conditions, hospitals and nursing homes actually budget for the injuries they know will occur.

There is a TON of research about this.  But, change isn’t going to happen until there is enough support from EVERYONE, not just from nurses.  Let’s generate support.


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